IFTA Fuel Tax Reporting
Record driving time with ease
"Seamless and hassle-free fuel tax reporting" Gone are the days when filing tax returns was an exhausting task. This feature allows the owners and operators to be free from any unintended human error. All the receipts can be uploaded and those can be converted to ready-to-file documents with only a simple click. Moreover, all the calculations will be done on the basis of the fuel purchased in different jurisdictions and the distances travelled thereafter. The calculations will enable the owner to study the reports in detail. Also, when specific reports of a particular date and vehicle are required, the filtering process will enable that as well.
Drivers will no longer have to keep records of the fuel purchased and the receipts to be submitted to the owner on completion of the trip. Receipts can be uploaded right at the gas station. This will make not only the owner keep track about the total fuel expenses in a trip but also the taxes will be done and audit-proof in an instant.